Our Additionally Resourced Provision at Primrose Hill Primary School

Our Additionally Resourced Provision at Primrose Hill Primary School

Primrose Hill Primary School has an Additionally Resourced Provision (ARP). This is for children with an EHCP who have Autism and complex needs.

The ARP has a capacity of 14 children. Some children in our ARP will need a specialist class receiving their main input from a SEND teacher. This class is called The Grove. Additionally, however, some may be able to manage in the mainstream with specialist support. ARP places for EHCP children with a diagnosis of ASD will be allocated directly by Camden. You can look at the offer for children in the ARP or in the Grove class here.

How can I request a place for my child in the Additionally Resourced Provision?

Admissions into our ARP is strictly through Camden SEN. Parents of children with ASD and an Education and Health Care Plan should liaise directly with the Camden SEN team if they are interested in applying to the ARP.

If parents want more information, you can contact the SENDCo Aurora Roelofs through this email address: admin@primrosehill.camden.sch.uk

What are the values of our Additionally Resourced Provision?

Our core values of care, challenge and community are as important in our additionally resourced provision as anywhere else in the school. We aim to offer quality first teaching as the first and foremost form of support to children with SEND and those in the ARP to offer care, challenge and make them feel part of our school and wider community. We use a person-centred approach in teaching children in our ARP and in the Grove, encouraging them to take part in daily activities as well as making learning as fun and enjoyable as possible.

We are an inclusive school and the aim for each of our ARP children is ultimately to include them as much as is appropriate within the mainstream class with additional support and adaptation. Additional support in class might include the use of visuals, a workstation, communication systems such as coreboards, and individualised learning plans.

What does support look like for children in the ARP?

Where children are in the Grove class, there is a specialised and alternative curriculum. This is theme-based with a different theme each half term which looks to link in with cultural and social events in the yearly calendar.

All learning here is multi-sensory and is informed by the SCERTS model. The SCERTS model is a model of intervention for children with Autism and communication needs. You can read more about the SCERTS model here:


We aim to provide all children in our ARP with specialist support to meet their needs whether they are in the Grove classroom or educated in the mainstream of the school. This includes access to additional therapy, access to the Soft Play and Sensory Room, support from a complex needs Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist as well as a higher ratio of adult support depending on the specific child’s needs.