We use a range of online resources to support home learning during term time, and we also use these platforms for our Remote Learning provision when school is not fully open. Below are a range of online resources which will help support your child’s learning at home (if you would like to find out more about how Remote Learning works at Primrose Hill when on-site school is not open, click here).
These links will send you to the Primrose Hill portal for each of the websites. Once there, simply type in your child’s unique username and password to gain access to the resource. Ask your class teacher if you are unsure of your usernames and passwords. Your child may be directed to a particular activity or video by the class teacher via the Google Classroom or the Home Learning area of the website. However when these platforms are used for Remote Learning provision during school closure, you will receive specific instructions, advice and a daily timetable as per our Remote Learning Policy.
With Google Drive, the children can continue work they started at school, create new documents, presentations and spreadsheets and share them with their teacher. If you have an iPad at home, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides can be used by downloading the Google Drive app.
Purple Mash, Brain Pop and Espresso are full of a range of interactive learning activities and videos.
So what are you waiting for? Explore, create and learn!