Reading at Primrose Hill



This page is designed to support Primrose Hill parents and carers with your child’s journey to becoming a fluent, confident reader.


To help support and improve Primrose Hill’s high-quality phonics teaching, we have chosen a systematic synthetic programme, validated by the DfE.  ‘Little Wandle Letters & Sounds revised’ will give all our readers a solid base upon which to build as they progress through school, as well as developing the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information.  ‘Little Wandle’ is based on our previous phonics scheme, Letters and Sounds, but extensively revised to prepare your children to go above and beyond the expectations of the Y1 Phonics Screening Check.  We have made this decision based on extensive research and careful consideration of the needs of all our readers.  It provides a simple routine and consistent approach to phonics teaching, which helps to reduce pupils’ cognitive load and maximise their chances of success.

You can also, see our policy for Early Reading here.

There will be regular workshops for parents throughout the year, so please look out for these in our school newsletter.


Below you will find helpful guides and videos that will support you, in helping your child to read.


Little Wandle has resources and videos listed below so you can learn more about how your child makes progress and how to support them…

For parents



Watch these videos to help you support your child with their different phases of learning…


Phase 2 Autumn 1


Phase 2 Autumn 2


Phase 3


Phase 5


How we teach ‘alien’ words


How we teach tricky words


How we teach blending



How do we prioritise reading to make sure that all pupils read well, widely and confidently, so they can access learning for themselves?


*All our take-home reading books are Little Wandle decodable texts and match exactly what is being taught in daily phonics and supported reading lessons

*The design of our curriculum is driven by high-quality texts

*We have our wonderful Primrose Hill library which all classes visit weekly to support their love of books and reading for pleasure.  This helps our children expand their horizons!

*Every class has an inviting reading corner

*Our teachers read aloud to their classes every day, and talk to them about book choices

*Each year we celebrate World Book Day by inviting Authors in for visits, dressing up and spending the whole day reading for pleasure and celebrating books

*Our staff have ALL received training on Little Wandle, our phonics programme, and teachers have received extensive training on story-time, book choices and reading for pleasure.



Read here about why daily reading with your child matters so much…


·         Everybody-read-leaflet-for-parents.pdf