Freshly Jarred Moles
a trip to the grant museum
Finlay Carson Moretti Herons Y6
Have you ever seen a jar of moles? Or maybe even a Quagga? Perhaps a dissected rabbit head? (Trust me, it was eerie seeing an innocent rabbit’s head halved.) No? Well that’s what my class (Herons Y6) went and saw today at the Grant Museum of Zoology. A wondrous building filled to the brim with mind-blowing samples from the most peculiar animals.
The day started with us on the bus, heading for Euston (that’s where the museum was, strangely enough). We laughed as we waved out the windows mockingly to the Kestrels, who had to walk. We chatted and joked our way there, and when we arrived, we were not disappointed.
We sat down as the worker, Dean, introduced us to the museum and told us the ground rules. After that we were free to explore the surprisingly small (When I say small, I mean it. There was only one room) but mind blowing place. The specimens there seemed incredibly gruesome and strange, but gobsmackingly cool. We saw monkey legs, elephant hearts and jarred lizards to name a few.
We looked at the top ten specimens and were overwhelmed at how spooky they were. The top ten were: A jar of moles, a human brain, a Quagga skeleton, a brown bear skeleton, a squid, half of an orangutan’s head, a wall of bones, a micrarium (a wall of micro-organisms). Wait, I need to stop for breath! A deer skull and a snake skull. Phew!