Arrangements for In School Provision – Tuesday 24th March 2020

I have created a text group and email list for parents for whom the Key worker / vulnerable children list applies.

I will text you by 4pm today.  If you haven’t received a text from me by then, please let me know.

Provision will start on Tuesday 24th March.  A reminder, the Government are keen for children to remain at home, so this provision should only be used if you have no other child care alternatives.  

With that said, we’re happy to help!

Our provision will be split into two groups EYFS & KS1 (Group 1)and KS2 (Group 2).  The first group will be based in Ladybirds and group two in Butterflies.  Both are on the ground floor with outside access.

Entry to the school will be via the office.  Soft start between 8:45 – 9:30 to allow some flexibility in not all arriving at the same time, and complying with social distancing.

Finish time will be 3:00 collecting from classrooms.  There must not be late collections please.

The office will let you into the building.

There will be no access through the driveway gates.

The provision will be managed by a 6 adults approximately per day which will, where possible, will include a First Aider.  There will be a member of SLT in school each day.

Please email as normal if your child is absent or not attending.

If there are specific arrangements for your child .e.g only attending for part of the day or only set days per week, this can be communicated.  You will need to complete a short form on Tuesday (this can be collected from the office on Monday) regarding your particular details.   I will also email this out.   Please also provide proof of your key worker status on Tuesday.

If we are unable to run the provision for any reason such as low staffing numbers, I will let you know as soon as possible by text.

There will be no direct teaching.  Staff will help children with their remote learning.

The children will need to be provided with a packed lunch, at least for the first week.