23.01.15 Home Learning

Remember to bring your homework on Thursday


Keep a record of all that you read this month. You should be reading EVERY day.  Try to read with someone once or twice a week.

Word detectives:

Search for words with “ible” and “able”, How many can you find? Make a chart in your book.


What can you find out about John Nash?  He designed many of the buildings around Regents‘s Park.


Practice for the Tables Challenge.

3D Shapes

! Which shape has four vertices and four faces?

! Which shapes have no vertices?

! Which shapes have twelve edges?

! Which shape has only one surface?

! How is the cuboid different to the cube?

! Which two shapes have the same number of edges, vertices and faces?

! Which shape has five vertices and five faces?

 Answer the questions and draw the 3 D shapes in your book.