
Primrose Hill Primary is a unique dynamic school in that our children do not wear a school uniform. At Primrose Hill, we value individualism. We want our children to be comfortable with who they are and be free to express themselves through what they wear. Jewellery, makeup, and nail varnish are not encouraged.

We do ask that children come suitably dressed for active and practical education. This means they should wear clothes they can move comfortably in and withstand wear and tear as well as water and paint splashes. They should also wear shoes they can run around in and (on days they have PE) they can easily remove and put back on by themselves.

PE is a compulsory part of the curriculum, and we require your child on their PE day to wear the appropriate kit for these lessons.

The correct kit for these lessons is:

White T-shirt with our school logo

Black sweatshirt with our school logo

Plain black shorts;

Black tracksuit bottoms

Suitable trainers

Children must arrive with the correct PE kit to allow ease of movement and comfort.

The white T-shirt, black sweatshirt, and book bag with our school logo can be purchased from Brigade, an online website. Please follow this link to purchase t-shirts or sweatshirts.

School drawstring bags can be purchased from the school office for £5.00.

No jewellery or watches on PE days.

Remember to put your child’s name on their items – this helps us return them to you if your child loses them.