The Ladybirds have done a fantastic job at settling into their new class. We want to say a big well done to all of them. We have been very busy exploring the classroom, both inside and outside, making new friends and having a great time.
You might have heard that we have had some visitors in the classroom, a large nest was left and found by the children. It was a mystery. The children became investigators where they deciphered clues and left notes to find out what or who it could be. They received letters back and found out that it was Tawny Owlets who were looking for their mummy. They helped them by making missing posters and even got a very special phone call from “Linda” at the RSPB. They had been informed that mummy owl was missing and a sighting had been made over Camden. The children helped to move the nest outside and were SO excited when they received a letter and parcel from the baby owlets thanking them for all their help. Just another busy few weeks in Ladybirds!
This has led us to learning the story of Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. Feel free to look and listen to the story at home. Here is a link to the story on YouTube, it is called Owl Babies Picture Book Animation,
This week we have started phonics. The children have learnt the sounds s, a, t. They particularly had lots of fun writing the sound t and making toast!
Have a look at our photos of the children being very busy…