Healthy Schools


Healthy Schools

This has been an essential aspect of the school over the past few years.

Jordan Lawal and Amanda Aplicano have all led some work on the Healthy Schools Programme.  All the criteria on the Health and Wellbeing Review were met and we are delighted that Primrose Hill is now recognised as a GOLD Healthy School for a further two years after receiving both Bronze and Silver Awards in previous years, received the Silver Award.

Thank you so much for all your hard work completing the Health and Wellbeing Review, which demonstrates all the excellent health and wellbeing work at Primrose Hill.

The Healthy Schools Programme focuses on the following areas within the school:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Physical Activity, including active travel
  • PSHE
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing

The children and staff worked incredibly hard to ensure that all children were eating at least one item of fruit AND veg in school every day. The children tracked their results and the winners enjoyed a smoothie making workshop with children from across the school. The kale was a huge success!!! Classes all received a fruit and veg treat.


We also had a significant push on increasingly the healthiness of our packed lunches. A Packed Lunches Audit carried out by Camden, found that children receiving a school lunch were more likely to eat 1+ items of veg a day. Those children bringing a packed lunch made fantastic improvements. Well done! If in doubt, please refer to our Packed Lunches policy as outlined in the Packed Lunches letter to parents.

As always, we enjoy our fantastic garden space, growing vegetables in the beds and watching tadpoles develop in the pond.


Halal Food in Camden's School Leaflet

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