Governing Board Quick Links
NEWS: See below the content of our Governing Board Annual Newsletter
The Governing Board or Body of our school helps to ensure the quality of education provision and to act as the accountable body for the school. We do this by setting the strategic vision and the ethos of the school, together with monitoring and challenging the school’s performance, and recruiting and holding to account the Head Teacher.
The Governing Board is made up of 15 people. Some members are elected and some are co-opted and include members of staff, parents, an appointee of the Local Authority and other local people; all of whom have the sole aim of seeing the wonderful children at the school receive the very best education possible. Magen Inon is our new Chair of Governors. Katerina Zographos is the Vice Chair of Governors.
The Governors work as a team and they’re responsible for making sure the school provides a good quality education for all its pupils. We aim to continuously raise standards, plan the school’s future direction and help the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team to do the very best job they can. We also oversee the school’s budget to make sure we’re getting the best possible value for money – an important task in these days of shrinking funding, rising costs and increased expectations. The school is also regularly helped by our Professional Partner, a very experienced ex-head teacher and ex-Ofsted inspector who brings a valuable external perspective.
Some governors are chosen (by parents, by staff or by Camden, the Local Authority) and others are selected by other governors. This helps us to make sure we have an appropriate mix of skills – some people with expertise in education, some in management, some in finance, and so on. If you’re interested in becoming a governor or in finding out more about what we do, please have a word with the Head Teacher who will be able to point you in the right direction.
Whilst the Governing Board meets several times a year, at least once each term, we also have several committees. These each have a focus and they too meet at least once a term.
The Governing Board
Amal Abbamin Deborah Isaacs
Liam Frost Alice Gray
Laura Pearce Kasia Bojarojc
Magen Inon (Chair) Isabel Murphy
Matt Cooper Hazzan Mazher
Diego Arroyo Ornelas Katerina Zographos
Governing Board Committees
Curriculum & Pupil Welfare Committee
Magen Inon (Chair)
Deborah Isaacs
Isabel Murphy
Alice Gray
Matthew Cooper
Amal Abbamin
Magen Inon
Andrew Blow
Resources Committee
Katerina Zographos (Chair)
Isabel Murphy
Alice Gray
Kasia Bojarojc
Link Governors – 2022-2023
Safeguarding/SEND – Alice Gray
Health & Safety – Deborah Isaacs
Literacy – Magen Inon
Maths/STEAM – Matthew Cooper
EYFS -Deborah Isaacs
PSHE/Training – Isabel Murphy
Humanities – Vacancy
ICT/DT – Vacancy
If you want to find out more about the Governing Board at Primrose Hill Primary School or perhaps become more involved in its work, please write to the Chair of Governors – Deborah Isaacs – at the school.