Staffing Roles & Responsibility
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) comprises of Liam Frost (Headteacher), Rachel Howard (Deputy Headteacher), Amanda Aplicano (Pastoral Leader), Aurora Roelofs (Assistant Headteacher – SENCo/Inclusion) and Annie Clark (Assistant Headteacher – DSL).
We also have a large support staff team, including nursery officers, teaching assistants, Higher Level Teaching Assistants and intervention staff. Then finally, our Admin Team: Ilirjana Sfarqa (Business & Admin Officer), Tara Kerrigan (Attendance Officer), Pornsiri Stacey (Admissions Officer) & Lisa Milsom (Admin Support & Receptionist); our Site Team, Keith complete the staff group at the school.
Children in our school hold a variety of roles that help them contribute to our community. These roles include acting as School Councillors, Sports Captains, Buddy Readers and members of The Friendship Squad.
Our classes are named after wildlife found on Primrose Hill and Regent’s Park. Our children and staff voted for this. We have added to this theme in our Autistic Resource Provision – The Grove, where all the facilities are named after trees found locally.
Every child and adult in our community thinks of themselves as a citizen of Primrose Hill School. Every citizen is equally valued and respected; participates in their own and others’ learning; feels safe and protected from harm; and has their voice heard. As citizens of Primrose Hill, we recognise our responsibility to be positive role models and to demonstrate through our words and actions that we are proud of ourselves and each other and our school.
The Primrose Hill Promises
Every class in our school agrees to follow our school’s Primrose Hill Promises, which are:
- We will use our growth mindset
- We always include others
- We are respectful to everybody
- We will be gentle with others
- We look after our environment
In this way, through discussion and considered action, Primrose Hill citizens are encouraged to think for themselves and act for others.