The School Day

Start of the Day

8.45 (children can enter school and make their own way into their classrooms as a ‘soft start’)

This provides an opportunity for children to begin their day calmly, and chat with the teacher and teaching assistant. 


End of the Day

15:30 Gates will open to allow parents and carers to enter the playground and classes will be lined up with their teachers ready for collection.  Some Senior Leaders will be available in the playground.   



12.00 – 13.00 (Early Years Foundation Stage)
12.30 – 13.30 ( Key Stage 1)
12.30 – 13.30 (Key Stage 2)

Children will be in school for 6.5 hours a day.


We have a variety of assemblies throughout the week. We start each week with a whole school assembly, where we begin shared conversations around the social and emotional aspects of learning, as well as exploring national and international days of reflection and religious festivals. Throughout the week, children also enjoy class assemblies and key-stage singing assemblies. Each week ends with an achievement assembly, a celebration of all that the children and adults in our school have achieved during the week.

School Meals

Children can choose to have either a school dinner or packed lunch. School dinners are prepared from fresh ingredients on site each day and provide a hot, nourishing meal. Children are offered a choice of dishes including halal and vegetarian options. Those who bring a packed lunch are encouraged to have a balanced meal including fruit and salad or vegetables.  We have worked very closely with the catering provider to improve our offer to the children.  This includes new equipment including a chiller salad bar, as well as revisions to the Menu – led by the children!

Mid Morning Snack

Pupils in Key Stage 1 are provided daily with fruit for their mid-morning snack; we also request Key Stage 2 pupils bring in fruit for a snack; and, children in the Nursery and Reception classes are provided with milk and healthy snacks.

Attendance and Punctuality

We place great importance on attendance and punctuality. Children who are not in school cannot learn, and children who are late miss important introductions to lessons. Families have an important role to play in ensuring that their children attend well and are on time each day. Both attendance and punctuality at primary school tend to set the pattern for later years, so we ask all parents to cooperate in making sure that children attend regularly and on time.